ALA Annual Conference is the biggest library event of the year. This year it was hosted in Washington DC.
Diamond Book Distributors attended the conference with Image Comics, Dynamite, AfterShock Comics, and Graphic Mundi. Diamond and Our Publishers provided participating attendees with exclusive single issue comics and trade paperbacks, swag bags, and more. The following creators were also available for signings throughout the weekend: Tillie Walden (Clementine), Mairghread Scott (Sea Serpent’s Heir), Tri Vuong (Everyday Hero Machine Boy, Lego Ninjago: Garmadon), Julio Anta (Home), Jeremy Holt (Made in Korea), and Edward Einhorn (Iphigenia in Aulis).
In addition to signings on the show floor, Tillie Walden was hosted at East City Book Shop for a talk and signing of her upcoming graphic novel from Skybound Comet CLEMENTINE.
For librarians and industry professionals unable to attend the show, Diamond hosted several virtual giveaways through the weekend, including:

Diamond hosted an ELLE(s) VOLUME 1 digital review copy giveaway. Anyone who signed up to request a digital review copy of ELLE(s) VOLUME 1 was entered into the giveaway.
The winner has already been chosen; however, if you are interested in receiving a copy of ELLE(s) VOLUME 1, you can still request a copy until June 30 at this link.

Diamond hosted an SIDE EFFECTS digital review copy giveaway. Anyone who signed up to request a digital review copy of SIDE EFFECTS was entered into the giveaway.
The winner has already been chosen; however, if you are interested in receiving a copy of SIDE EFFECTS, you can still request a copy until June 30 at this link.

Diamond hosted an Instagram Live Interview for SIDE EFFECTS with author TED ANDERSON. Anyone who watched the interview was entered into the giveaway.
The winner has already been chosen; however, if you are interested in watching the SIDE EFFECTS interview, you can do so at this link.
Check out pictures from the ALA ANNUAL 2022 below!