Published by Image Comics
ISBN: 9781534310629
Price: $17.99
Genre: Fantasy
Ages: 16+
On Sale: December 01, 2020
The grand finale! The big finish! The climax!
We speak of course about this, the end of the award-winning, boundary-pushing, taste-challenging SEX CRIMINALS.
Suzie’s just a regular gal with an irregular gift: when she has sex, she stops time. One day she meets Jon and it turns out he has the same ability. And sooner or later they get around to using their gifts to do what we’d ALL do: rob a couple banks.
So Suze and Jon have sex, stop time, and rob banks. The bank went after them. Now Suze and Jon finish off the bank, the Sex Police, and the bad guys all in one pop, hoping to dodge a huge load of trouble before it explodes in their faces.
Advanced Praise
Creator(s) Bio
- “On the surface, this is a hilarious story of two people, Suzanne and Jon, with the power to stop time after they orgasm, and then rob banks while (almost) everyone else is frozen in time, which is an amazingly original idea. But underneath that, this is a story of the beginning of a relationship: its exciting newness, its terrifying possibilities, its ups and downs, its secrets and understandings, and, of course, its sex.”
– Publisher Weekly
MATT FRACTION writes comic books out in the woods and lives with his wife, writer Kelly Sue DeConnick, his two children, two dogs, a cat, a bearded dragon, and a yard full of coyotes and crows. Surely there’s a metaphor there. He’s a New York Times-best-selling donkus of comics like Sex Criminals (winner of the 2014 Will Eisner Award for Best New Series and named TIME Magazine’s Best Comic of 2013), ODY-C, and Casanova. Under their company Milkfed Criminal Masterminds, Inc., Fraction and DeConnick are currently developing television for NBC/Universal.
CHIP ZDARSKY is an Eisner Award-winning comic book author, known for his work on Howard the Duck from Marvel Comics, KAPTARA for Image Comics, and Jughead for Archie Comics. Prior to his career in comics, launched by SEX CRIMINALS, Chip worked for the National Post as an illustrator and columnist, writing and illustrating a weekly advice column called Extremely Bad Advice. Chip resides in the hearts and minds of a nation.
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