Manga Classics: Anne of Green Gables

Published by Manga Classics
ISBN: 9781947808188 / 9781947808171
Price: $19.99 / $24.99
Genre: Young Adult, Literary Adaptation
Ages: 16+
On Sale: November 10, 2020
Siblings Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert were planning to adopt an orphaned boy to help out around their farm, Green Gables – instead, they got Anne Shirley. A plucky redheaded girl with a vibrant imagination, Anne turns first Green Gables and then the rest of Prince Edward Island on its ear. Manga Classics® is proud to be the only authorized manga adaption of Anne of Green Gables by the Heirs of L.M. Montgomery. This volume presents a faithful recreation of this classic kids novel, from the Lake of Shining Waters to the Dryad’s Bubble!
Creator(s) Bio
Advanced Praise
CRYSTAL S. CHAN is an award-winning author and television screen play writer. Â She holds a degree in language and literature. Crystal is a huge fan of authors such as Jane Austen and she is equally passionate about Sailor Moon. Her passion for classic literature combined with her love of the comics medium allows her to strike a solid balance between preserving the depth of the original content while adapting the language for a younger generation.
“A charming adaptation…”
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