Tag Archives: literary adaptation

Manga Classics: Anne of Green Gables


Published by Manga Classics

ISBN: 9781947808188 / 9781947808171
Price: $19.99 / $24.99
Genre: Young Adult, Literary Adaptation
Ages: 16+

On Sale: November 10, 2020

Siblings Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert were planning to adopt an orphaned boy to help out around their farm, Green Gables – instead, they got Anne Shirley. A plucky redheaded girl with a vibrant imagination, Anne turns first Green Gables and then the rest of Prince Edward Island on its ear. Manga Classics® is proud to be the only authorized manga adaption of Anne of Green Gables by the Heirs of L.M. Montgomery. This volume presents a faithful recreation of this classic kids novel, from the Lake of Shining Waters to the Dryad’s Bubble!

Creator(s) Bio

Advanced Praise

CRYSTAL S. CHAN is an award-winning author and television screen play writer. Â She holds a degree in language and literature. Crystal is a huge fan of authors such as Jane Austen and she is equally passionate about Sailor Moon. Her passion for classic literature combined with her love of the comics medium allows her to strike a solid balance between preserving the depth of the original content while adapting the language for a younger generation.


“A charming adaptation…”

Preview Pages

Phantom of the Opera: the Graphic Novel


Published by A Wave Blue World

ISBN: 9781949518092
Price: $16.99
Genre: Literary Adaptation
Ages: 13+

On Sale: October 20, 2020

Everyone has heard the whispered tales of the phantom who lives beneath the opera house, the mysterious trickster behind all the little mishaps and lost things. But no one has ever seen the monster . . . until now. When the promise of blossoming love lures him out from his intricately constructed hideaways in the labyrinthine building’s walls and cellars, a hideously disfigured artist trains the lovely Christine to be the opera’s next star for a steep price. Does she choose her newfound success or her beloved Count Raoul? This doomed love triangle threatens to combust when a tragic death, a series of betrayals, and increasingly dangerous accidents cast the players of The Palais Garnier into a heart-wrenching horror story that will echo through the ages.

THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, the iconic gothic romance, is retold with all the spectacle its legend demands in this devoted graphic novel adaptation that marries stunning artwork with Gaston Leroux’s haunting prose.

Key Selling Points

Creator(s) Bio

Advanced Praise

  • UNIVERSAL RECOGNITION: A pop culture phenomenon for over 100 years, Phantom of the Opera has thrilled multiple generations through several classic film adaptations and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s iconic stage musical that has netted $6 billion in gross receipts over its 30-year run. The book is perfect for fans looking for a new take and newcomers looking for an accessible way into the story for the first time.

  • CHILLINGLY FUN CLASSIC HORROR: Ideal for “monster kids” who appreciate old fashioned classic horror films from Universal and Hammer Pictures, Leroux’s monster sits proudly in that pantheon. Tomi’s faithful adaptation recreates the time period for gothic treat that’s macabre and atmospheric without gore or outright terror.

  • LAVISH ARTWORK: With its impeccably detailed linework, readers can get as hopelessly lost in each panel as the characters do in the labyrinth below the opera house. Tomi’s goal is to give fans of Gaston Leroux’s prose a visual spectacle on par with Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical in book form.

  • DEVOTED ADAPTATION: A devoted lifelong fan of both the musical and the original novel, Tomi is the perfect artist for a graphic novel adaptation. He spent years researching the costumes and settings for the story and painstakingly drawing these details into his labor of love.

  • INTRO TO CLASSIC LITERATURE: With its commitment to accuracy and authenticity, this PHANTOM OF THE OPERA adaptation is a great gateway book to classic literature for kids and students, and an entry point to graphic novels for literature readers who may be new to the medium.Broken Frontier anthology ( A Wave Blue World).

Varga Tomi is a Hungarian artist and colorist. He graduated from The Kubert School in Dover, NJ in 2015. Since then he’s worked with a number of publishers and high-profile creators, most notably IDW and Kevin Eastman on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and A Wave Blue World and Marguerite Bennett on the Broken Frontier Anthology and Ghastly Tales.

“This adaptation proves a faithful and attractive enough version that die-hard Phantom fans will likely pick it up.”